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What Helps Me Be Courageous

"He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.” - Muhammad Ali

I read this quote the other day and I wanted to share because it got me thinking about being courageous and how courage helps gain momentum. Whether I am trying to learn something new, form a new habit, or create a new offering for you, momentum is what helps me get it done. And knowing this, it is important to recognize how special it is to embrace and cultivate courage.

Whether it is a personal accomplishment such as your health, emotional well being, or a business goal, I’m going out on a limb and saying this quote applies to all of us. If we want to accomplish something, we need to be courageous.

And maybe for you that means stepping into (or back into) your yoga practice. This takes courage. But the good news is that you only need to be courageous for a few minutes to get started because once you start, you will gain momentum. And that momentum will carry you through. I have experienced this twice in my life when I really needed courage to gain momentum. The first big time was after chemotherapy and the second is right now, while I am pregnant. You better believe it was hard when my body was changing and getting bigger to push through and keep showing up on my mat. It only took a few minutes each time for me to feel the benefits and that was enough to keep me going. Right now I feel amazing with very little side effects of all of the weight gain and body changes.

It takes courage to press play.

If you’re ready to get back on your yoga mat (or step on one for the first time!) I would love to support you. I have created something special and this is just the beginning. Please take a few minutes to check it out and don’t just take it from me. Listen to what Janet has to say.

Comment below and let me know if you are feeling courageous and plan to join this month! I step forward even when I am scared to death. That courage builds my momentum.

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